Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Puppies, Audrey, and Ming

The puppies are growing up and desperately need to be groomed. I will probably do some of this grooming over Christmas. Chloe is the gentle sweet little girl who loves to cuddle up and Tuppy is sweet but active and loves to explore. They have made tracks in the snow and Tuppy runs around the track for the fun of it.

Tuppy Sends a Naughty Message

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Random Photos for a Snowy Day

Okay, these were taken a few days ago. The snow is coming down hard outside now and we have over 2 feet. All the westies went out and the older girls (Ming and Audrey) just did their business and wanted to come back into the warmth. The puppies (Tuppy and Chloe) wanted to bounce around in the snow and chase each other.

The first 2 photos are of Ming. The next 3 are of Audrey, the next 2 are of Tuppy, and the last two are of Chloe. Can you tell them apart?

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Puppy's First Snow Cont'd - Baron

Another puppy in Ming's second litter checks in from New England.  Baron (Orange) looks comfortable in this new element.  Note how well he blends into the environment.  Kudos to Baron's owner in taking some stunning nature shots. 

Monday, December 7, 2009

Puppy's First Snow

We had snow this past Saturday and it came down fast - almost 4 inches. Although Ming and Audrey have seen it before, Chloe and Tuppy wondered what to do with it. Below is a picture of a confused Chloe.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Westie Imprint Ad

We thought it was time to place these ads in the Centennial edition of the Westie Imprint. Ming has truly been a wonderful member of our family and has given birth to such beautiful puppies with very sweet temperament.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Fall Walk - Observations

Fall is here and the brisk walking of four Westies are a challenge for one person. Therefore two Westies paired with each human make it more manageable.

Here is a recent picture of the puppies (Chloe on left and Tuppy on right). As we walked the neighborhood we found that the puppies are more comfortable with Ming and Audrey leading. Tup and Chloe love the outdoors and seem to have boundless energy. But that's not to say that they were pulling their leashes. Rather they kept pace with the Ming and Audrey, never trying to catch up to them or overtake them.

When the positions were swapped where the puppies led, they slowed down and constantly looked back towards Ming and Audrey. Insecurity perhaps. Regardless, Westies do like the outdoors.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Distractions -- A Basketball Dog

Not a Westie but interesting nevertheless.

Friday, October 30, 2009


It's been a while since we posted and Tuppy and Chloe have gotten bigger. They play well together with Audrey. Ming just makes sure noone is playing too hard.

Here are recent pictures of Tuppy:

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Awww Isn't That CUTE

Derby looks quite spiffy in his new argyle sweater. Where are his new Tretorns and Lacoste shirt? Regardless, he is the "man" about town.

Friday, September 25, 2009

The Second Litter

So some of you maybe waiting to hear what became of Ming's second litter. To recap, there were four puppies (3 males and 1 female). The males were Blue, Green and Orange while the lone sister was Purple.

Two have left the nest.

- Green is now named Derby and lives with his half-sister Julep (a.k.a Yellow Green or Sprite) from the first litter. You can follow them here (click me).

- Orange is now named Baron in the cool environs of New England.

Two remain with Audrey and Ming.

- Purple is now named Chloe (Tribeca's Chloe at Mac-Ken-Char) while Blue is called "Tuppy" (Tribeca's Hildebrand at Mac-Ken-Char). Some of you may wonder what Tuppy is all about. It derives from a P.G. Woodehouse character in the Jeeves novels named Hildebrand "Tuppy" Glossop. By the way, the Tuppy character is also Scottish which meshes well with the Westie roots.

Some Chloe and Tuppy pictures in another post.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Getting Back and Sophie Wins a Big Event!

It's been quite some time since we've updated the blog. What with summer vacation, the start of school, going to the WHWTCA Centennial, and other things, the blog has been neglected. But as the coolness of the fall has arrived, it has also prompted us to tell all of what has happened in the past month.

In earlier September we attended the Centennial (the West Highland White Terrier Club of America's national specialty show). The show was significant because it marked the 100th year of the the club in the U.S. If you are a Westie owner, that show was the place to be as national and international Westies mixed for a week.

The big news for us at the show had to be Sophie (pink/green), a daughter from Ming's first litter and Audrey's sister. We have not had a recent picture of Sophie until now. Sophie is pictured with Patti Marks, a long time Westie breeder and owner of Nevin, Sophie's and Audrey's sire. Sophie is pictured here after receiving 4th place in a field of 30 plus Westie girls in the fifteen to eighteen month class. Patti did a great job grooming and handling Sophie - look how pretty Sophie looks. Sophie did a great job walking for Patti. Pictured below is her big ribbon.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Breed All About It - West Highland White Terrier

Animal Planet has an interesting spot (video) on Westies.

Click here

Friday, August 7, 2009

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Amateur Photography - Purple

Last but not least, the only girl of the litter - Purple! For some reason she is more cooperative about staying still.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Amateur Photography - Blue

After a couple of days hiatus, we return with Blue!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Amateur Photography - Orange

Continuing our series on amateur photography, we present Orange. A very opinionated Westie.