Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Day 6 - Growth Progress

As we get into the routine of following progress, we observed good growth. As a means of identifying the puppies, we marked them with different colors. As a gauge of growth here are some statistics.

Puppy --------Gain Since Birth ----Absolute Gain (oz.)
Yellow Green ------49% ------------- 3.25
Pink Green --------72% ------------- 4
Black --------------46% -------------2.5
Green Black ----- 52% --------------2.8
Green ------------70% ---------------3.25
Pink Black --------63% --------------3
Yellow Black ----- 66% ------------- 3.5
Pink --------------62% --------------3.5
Yellow ------------71% ---------------3.75

Given this methodical approach, we know which ones to work on. In future posts, we will introduce you to each puppy.

Anyway, please enjoy this short video.

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