Monday, May 5, 2008

Day 11 - Puppies' Progress Revisited

In the past posts, we looked at how growth was progressing and offered up these statistics as of April 30.

Puppy --------Gain Since Birth ----Absolute Gain (oz.)
Yellow Green ------49% ------------- 3.25
Pink Green --------72% ------------- 4
Black --------------46% -------------2.5
Green Black ----- 52% --------------2.8
Green ------------70% ---------------3.25
Pink Black --------63% --------------3
Yellow Black ----- 66% ------------- 3.5
Pink --------------62% --------------3.5
Yellow ------------71% ---------------3.75

As it is over a week later, we are heartened at the nice gain. Here are some recent stats (for the quantitative types) as of May 4th.

Puppy --------Gain Since Birth ----Absolute Gain (oz.)
Yellow Green ------109% ------------- 7.25
Pink Green --------114% ------------- 6.25
Black --------------93% -------------5
Green Black ----- 100% --------------5.5
Green ------------130% ---------------6
Pink Black --------121% --------------5.75
Yellow Black ----- 140% ------------- 7.4
Pink --------------124% --------------7
Yellow ------------124% ---------------6.5

So if we look at some analysis to try to makes heads or tails out of this, what does this all mean? In the big scheme of things, everyone is growing nicely. The ones that were low in weight have grown. The biggest gainers in April aren't necessarily the biggest now. So we will keep on tracking. This seems like a good science fair project for someone, doesn't it?

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