Saturday, May 24, 2008

May 24 (2) - What's That Racket?

Having 9 puppies is certainly a challenge.  From feeding, cleaning up to ensuring that every puppy gets their share of food is a bit of work.  It's been fun for sure but as these little one grow, they are undergoing change.  They're hungry all the time, they're bored(?) and when they are at their tipping point, they yelp and cry out loud.  Of course it doesn't happen at convenient hours but clearly inconvenient times - early in the AM to be exact (e.g., 3 to 5 AM).  Even when they've been fed they are still boisterous.  So what is it?  Well, we believe that their teeth are coming in. 

To share what we are experiencing in the sounds, we bring you this video.

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